Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tylenol and Tissues

Ashtyn has a SMOKERS cough. I can hear her cough from the opposite side of the house. It makes me very sad! I first heard her nasty cough on Tuesday night when we first arrived in Rock Springs. I thought her cough was going to be the worst of it, but instead, she came up with a runny nose. The runny nose is worse because of the suction bulb. Ashtyn HATES the suction. By Friday we were both so exhausted that we cuddled on the couch all day. We love watching judge shows, and Ashtyn can't keep her eyes off of the TV when Maury comes on! We both didn't get up and get ready til close to 4 in the afternoon. We ran an errand and then watched more TV. I decided that tonight would be a great night to give her bath to her early. Around 7:30 I ran her an amazingly bubbly bath. After about 15 minutes of playing and washing her she was ready to be out. She got lotioned up, put in her jammies, and double swaddled. She wasn't yet ready to lay down, so I turned on her bouncer and let her lay there for a few minutes. That was all it took to get her to pass out. Unfortunately, she did not want to sleep her in bed. I tried 3 times to get her down before finally giving up and cuddling her next to me. It was then that I realized I needed her cuddling next to me more than she needed it. These moments are the most precious to me. Knowing that I am the one she wants and can't stand to be away from just warms my heart. Leaving her with Daddy this morning was very hard, but I know that he loves her just as much as I do, and loves to cuddle even more!

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